Xuefeng Ding


Xuefeng Ding


  • Looks good. Now it works on CDS! Thanks.
  • Thanks. I just tested one inspirehep record the pdf file is downloaded automatically. This is very helpful. The CDS is still not working. There are several types of CDS document. Part of them are without DOI. I tested under "articles & preprin…
  • Yes, if I add from the browser connector on the item page, say, http://cds.cern.ch/record/2721370, an item is properly inserted with correct title/author/year etc., yet the pdf is not downloaded. If I add it on the "fulltext" webpage, say, http://c…
  • For the particle physics community, the CDS and inspirenet are important inputs. The request is simple: When I add a CDS / inspirenet entry to the zotero, it's not saved as a webpage snap, or simple pdf item. Instead, you create a paper or repor…